The Boys Club Preview: Eggnog

I'm in denial that November has ended.  Where did it go?  What did I do?  Did Thanksgiving actually happen?  It all feels like one big blur!  And now here we are... December.  I'm hoping things slow down a bit this month, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

Hanukkah is coming up this week.  I haven't lit candles in a number of years, but I certainly enjoy some of the traditions... making latkes (if you're looking for a fun spin, try these leek fritters), spinning dreidels, singing songs.

But, as a kid, as I watched my friends in school run around wearing Santa hats and eating candy canes... well, I was a bit jealous that they got to celebrate Christmas.  I wanted a tree packed with enormous presents wrapped in bows.  I wanted to see a large man make his way down our (nonexistent) chimney (ok, now that I'm reading that, it sounds kind of creepy)...  I wanted to sip on eggnog next to a roaring fire.

I may not have gotten to do all that as a kid, but, thankfully, because of The Boys Club, I got to make my first batch of eggnog (and it's probably even better since I can put booze in it)!  So, go on over to the site to get the recipe (because homemade is really the way to go) and read a bit more about the history of eggnog.